Ready to get started? Get in touch! Phone +44 (0) 7482 713 308 Address 3 Ashweir Court, TinternMonmouthshire, NP16 6SE. Email Online Project Brief or Enquiry We'd love to hear about your exciting project! Contact Name (required) Email Address (required) Phone Number Preferred Contact Method EmailPhone CallText Message Website Project Status IdeaKitchen RecipeExisting BrandOther Project Description Cocktail/MocktailSoft DrinkPlant-based DrinkProtein/Meal Replacement ProductEnergy DrinkFunctional BeverageCoffee/Tea ProductConcentrateCollagen DrinkJuice/SmoothieSupplement ProductPowdered ProductSnackOther Number of Products / Flavours in the Range? Desired Packaging Format CansGlass BottlesPlastic BottlesPouchesTubsSachetsOther Ideal first batch size? Up to 250Up to 5001000-20003000+ Budget for project available now? How did you hear about SH Foodie? Please describe your idea or project and what brought you to our website today. Don't worry if your concept isn't fully formed yet; we're here to help you fill in the blanks!